Biblical Crossword Puzzles

Our Alley’s UMC Sunday School Teacher, Robert E. McConnell, has started a new Sunday School teaching tactic. He uses a crossword puzzle to assist him in his teachings. He supplies the across and down crossword hints and then we study extra hard to supply the answers. He allows us to use any and all of our resources @ our disposal to find his answers. Our resources are to use any bible translations, GOOGLE and any Biblical Commentaries  .eg The Matthew Henry Commentary. He hardcopies (Prints) his crossword puzzles and gives them to each of his Sunday School Students one  week in advance to their due date. He uses a Crossword builder website by suppling the site with both the answer hints as well as the answers then the website organizes them into a crossword puzzle for his use. We know the Biblical scripture readings from Sunday School Literature, therefore I will supply for you the topical biblical scriptures that goes to each puzzle.  Robert suggested  that I should incorporate his crosswords into our website. I will have to publish each puzzle into an Acrobat Reader format then you must print the file in order to work the puzzle. We sure do hope that you get more and more learnings from the bible. So here goes!

11/11/2018 Jacob’s Deception     Here’s the biblical scriptures that pertain to this crossword puzzle .pdf link.                                                               Genesis 27:5-10, 18, 19, 21-29.




Alley’s Chapel UMC, c/o Jessica Kaarlela Steele, 5171 Walker Mountain Rd, Bristol, VA. 24202